Augmenting And Increasing Wellness

Augmenting And Increasing Wellness


Essential Oils are aromatic liquids that are extracted form a variety of natures gifts…..,flowers, seeds, roots, bushes , leaves, stems, trees and more. They contain many elements that provide healing properties and promote wellness. They hold the ability to offer innumerable effects – depending upon your need or desire – anything from being uplifted and revitalized,  to calming, cleansing, or relieving a headache, and more.

The most powerful and effective essential oils are ones that are extracted and distilled through processes that preserve the quality and purity of the herbs or flowers essences . In other words, protecting natures living energy starting from the seed all the way to senses or skin….and prohibiting any form of cutting, diluting or adulterating the oils!

Essential Oils may be administered or utilized in several ways. To name a few: they may be applied topically to the skin, diffused into the air, depending on the oil…added to bath or drinking water, blended with massage oil or face creams, added in cooking, and so many more possibilities…..endless truly.


The benefits are equally numerous and endless…………MORE TO COME………